Setup & Timing
The opening credit sequence for Absolute Reversi is short and the download time is quick. Navigating the menu system is easy to do and "DS Download Play" is right on the main menu.
Menus & Navigation
The menu system iteself is well structured: a series of large buttons with clearly defined borders that are clearly and understandably labeled.
Ease Of Use / Play Control
The gameplay in Absolute Reversi is as simple as tapping. Tap on a space to place a piece there and all appropriate flips happen automatically. The game is also able to be played using the direction pad (use to direction pad to get to a square and then press the "A" button), but the topuch-based tapping is spot on and worked well. There can be some frustration in the lack of confirmation for some players - tap and it's done. Also, the quares (to fit) are a little small, so a zoom option would have been nice. What's there, though, works fantastically.
All basic gameplay from the basic single-player game (with the exception of the Challenges) are present: color options, Assistance, and basic free play. Graphically, the gameplay is simple (nothing more is needed), and the characters (which don't add to gameplay) look nice. Sound-wise, the game features some pleasant elevator music (muzak) which can, of course, be turned off if it begins to get on a player's nerves.
Overall Fun
Reversi is a simple game, and has gone by several other names, including (most notably) Othello and Go. It's a simple game to play, but the strategy (among competitive players) can become intricate and complex, which is what makes the game so intriguing to so many people. Absolute Reversi (this particular version) is simple, but well made and, for 200 Nintendo Points, a bargain for someone looking for a game that can be picked up and put down at any time, has full access (basically) for multiplayer, and while a few more frills would be nice (see below), there's really nothing to complain about at all. I'll definitely be playing Absolute Reversi again.
Offer an on/off option for confirmation: "Confirm move? Y/N" for people that want it.
Add in an optional "Zoom" function.
Let players draw their own custom piece designs (or import DSi-taken photographs, in whole or in part).
Allow players to use a basic color palette (with a shade/tint slider) to select any color(s) for the background and playing pieces.
Category Score: 12.5 / 15
Overall Single-Card Download Rating: 87 / 100 (a.k.a. 43.5/50)
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