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Game/Feature/Options Selection - 5 Card Draw
1. The host can select the amount of money players begin with.
1a. The top option is "Starting Money" and the default amount is $5,000.
1b. The amount of Starting Money can be adjusted by tapping on the arrows to the left and right of the "Starting Money" option.
1c. Starting Money can be chosen any whole thousand dollar amount from $1,000 to $100,000.
2. The host can select the win condition for the game.
2a. The middle option is "Game Rules" and the default option is Time Based.
2b. The Game Rules can be adjusted by tapping on the arrows to the left and right of the "Game Rules" option.
2c. Game Rules can be set to Time Based, # Hands, or Last Man.
3. The host can also set the specific end-game requirement.
3a. If the "Game Rules" are set to Time Based, the default "Duration" is 5 Minutes.
3a1. The game's "Duration" can be adjusted by tapping on the arrows to the left and right of the "Duration" option.
3a2. Duration can be set to any whole minute amount from 1 Minute to 30 Minutes.
3b. If the "Game Rules" are set to # Hands, the default "Duration" is 5 Hands.
3b1. The game's "Duration" can be adjusted by tapping on the arrows to the left and right of the "Duration" option.
3b2. Duration can be set to any number of hands from 1 Hand to 30 Hands.
3c. If the "Game Rules" are set to Last Man, the game will end when only one player remains.
4. When the host has the above options set, they tap on "Confirm" (twice) in the bottom right corner of the lower screen.
5. All players select a character to play as within the game.
5a. To change from one character to another, press the "L" and "R" buttons.
5b. To select the character currently on the screen, press the "A" button.
Game Controls / How To Play - 5 Card Draw
1. As the game begins, the antes (the money bet before any cards are revealed) are automatically bet.
2. Each player is dealt five (5) cards, all of which are visible only to that player.
3. The first round of betting - based solely on the Hole Cards - proceeds.
3a. Each player can Check/Call, Bet/Raise, or Fold by tapping on the corresponding button along the left half of the bottom edge of the lower screen.
3b. The terms "Check" and "Bet" are used for the first player each round and "Call" and "Raise" are used by subsequent players.
3c. If a player decides to Check/Call, they are continuing to play, but they are not betting more money.
3d. If a player decides to Bet/Raise, they are continuing to play and are betting more money. On the Raise screen...
3d1. Chips of various amounts can be bet by tapping on the chips on the left side of the lower screen.
3d2. A graphical representation (not accurate) of the bet is displayed in the circle in the center of the lower screen.
3d3. The Clear Bet button is located to the right of the circle (to clear out the current amount and start over).
3d4. The Confirm button is located beneath the circle (to confirm the current bet amount).
3d5. The current value of the bet (Raise) is written out in the bottom center of the lower screen, beneath the circle and the Confirm button.
3d6. The current value of the Call amount and the current amount of money remaining are written out to the right of the bet (Raise) amount.
3e. If a player decides to Fold, they are choosing not to play for the rest of the current hand.
4. After all players have bet, players can choose to discard up to three (3) cards and have them replaced.
4a. After selecting which cards will be discarded, players tap on those cards (which turns them all red).
4b. Once all soon-to-be-discarded cards are selected, players tap "Discard" in the bottom left corner of the lower screen.
5. The last round of betting takes place (everything in this round of betting is the same as the first round).
6. After the final round of betting, all players' cards are revealed and the winner(s) receive their money.
7. If betting between some of the players goes beyond the financial means of a player that's All In (they've bet everything), separate side bets occur.
8. At any time during the game, players can press the "R" button to see how much money each other player currently has (shown on the upper screen).
What To Look For - 5 Card Draw
1. On the upper screen, the profile of the character whose turn it is to do something is displayed on the left side of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, each other player's current amount of money can be shown on the right side of the screen by pressing the "R" button.
3. On the lower screen, your current amount of money is written out near the top left corner.
4. On the lower screen, the current amount of money bet in the main pot (not counting side bets) is written out beneath your current money level.
5. On the lower screen, your hand of cards is displayed in the center of the screen.
6. On the lower screen, the best hand of cards you can make with the cards available to you is written out on the right side of the screen beneath the yellow line.
7. On the lower screen, the current amount of money it would cost to Check/Call (when applicable) is displayed near the bottom left corner - above the buttons.
8. On the lower screen, the Check/Call, Bet/Raise, and Fold buttons are in the bottom left corner (in that order).
Overall Goals - 5 Card Draw
2. Cause your opponents to go broke.
Game Hints - 5 Card Draw
1. Since no cards are face up in this version of Poker, there are no hints or clues indicating hand type; all betting should be done by the strength of your own hand.
2. It's a good idea to bet the odds (percentages) and to watch tells: both of which are much more important when you can't see cards.
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