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Game Controls / How To Play - Donkey Derby
1. A ball will appear in the ball chute at the bottom center of the lower screen.
2. Touch the stylus to the ball.
3. Without lifting the stylus, draw a quick motion toward the top of the lower screen, and THEN lift the stylus from the screen at the end of the motion.
4. This should "throw the ball" up toward the scoring holes on the upper screen.
5. Where the ball will drop will depend on the angle of the upward motion.
6. If a plkayer scores three (3) shots in a row without missing, they can hit either the Bonus Speed activator button or the Speed Block activator button.
7. If a player hits the Bonus Speed activator button, a gold ball will appear in the ball shoot next and will be worth bonus points (+50%).
8. If a player hits the Speed Block activator button (and then taps the color of the victim), that player will receive a negative-scoring red ball next.
What To Look For - Donkey Derby
1. On the upper screen, players' rankings are displayed across the top edge of the screen.
2. On the upper screen, the players' progress is displayed in the distance traveled by the donkeys beneath the players' rankings.
3. On the upper screen, the scoring zone (with potential scores listed by the holes) is displayed.
4. On the lower screen, the ball chute is in the bottom center of the screen.
5. On the lower screen, the Bonus Speed ball activator button is near the bottom left corner of the screen.
6. On the lower screen, the Speed Block ball activator button in near the bottom right corner of the screen.
Overall Goals - Donkey Derby
1. Win the race by scoring the most.
2. Warn Bonus Speed balls and Speed Block balls.
Game Hints - Donkey Derby
1. If you throw the balls too fast, you'll miss more and find yourself waiting for one to appear in the chute.
2. There are only five (5) balls available before you have to wait for one (or more) to go through the ball return.
3. A victory is earned at 1500 points.
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