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How To Unlock This Minigame - Sand Tracer
1. In the Single Player/Co-Op experience, play through until Level 6-1 ("On Top Of The Clouds") is available within Stage 6 ("Skydye Heights").
2. Begin 6-1 ("On Top Of The Clouds").
3. Find the red treasure chest containing Notes Item #31 ("Mini G's Challenge 2").
4. Either have Globerto return Starfy to the Stage 6 ("Skydye Heights") map (by talking to Globerto) or complete the level.
5. Move to the newly created spot on the map, MiniGame 2, which will appear to the above (and to the right of) Level 6-1 ("On Top Of The Clouds")
6. Play through the MiniGame 2.
7. The Minigame "Sand Tracer" should now be available from the Minigames Menu.
Game Controls / How To Play - Sand Tracer
1. An outline will appear on the lower screen.
2. Draw along the outline as closely as possible in a single motion without lifting the stylus from the lower screen before finishing the trace.
3. When the trace is completed, list the stylus from the screen.
4. If the trace is close enough to the outline, the picture will fill in.
5. If an image of Moe is located over another player's score, you may steal points from that player.
6. The time limit is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
What To Look For - Sand Tracer
1. On the upper screen, the countdown timer is displayed near the top left corner.
2. On the upper screen, the current scores for all four players (computer and human controlled) are displayed across the middle of the screen.
3. On the lower screen, the outline to trace is shown.
4. On the lower screen, your score will be shown in the bottom left corner.
Overall Goals - Sand Tracer
1. Score the most points.
Game Hints - Sand Tracer
1. The tracings don't have perfect, just pretty accurate; don't spend too much time on any one drawing.
2. Don't worry about how the other players are doing; just go as fast as possible.
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