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How To Unlock This Minigame - Coin Slinger
This game is unlocked when the game file is created.
Game Controls / How To Play - Coin Slinger
1. A number of coins will appear on screen.
2. The coins will move about the lower screen.
3. The coins will also occasionally flip over.
4. Whenever a coin appears that matches the color of your Starfy, tap that coin.
5. If you tap a normal coin of your color, you get one (1) point.
6. If you tap a star coin of your color, you get two (2) points.
7. If you tap a balloon of your color, you get two (2) points.
8. The first player to forty (40) points is the winner.
What To Look For - Coin Slinger
1. On the upper screen, the current scores for all four players (computer and human controlled) are displayed across the top of the screen.
2. On the lower screen, the coins appear.
3. On the lower screen, the four Starfys are displayed across the bottom edge of the screen in the same order as the points appeared on the upper screen.
Overall Goals - Coin Slinger
1. Earn the highest score.
2. Tap the coins of your color.
3. Don't tap coins of the wrong color.
Game Hints - Coin Slinger
1. You can also tap the balloons, but make sure to only tap your color.
2. Watch for coins that are flipping as you're tapping them.
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