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Game Controls / How To Play - Pi And Thagoras
1. A pattern will be displayed on the upper screen composed of several oddly shaped pieces.
2. On the lower screen, a giant square made up of oddly shaped pieces will be shown.
3. Analyze the pieces on the upper screen and locate them within the square on the lower screen.
4. Later on in the game, the pieces on the upper screen will have their individual borders hidden.
5. Tap the matching pieces.
6. If the wrong pieces are tapped, tap them again to unselect them.
7. Actual play time for this game will be thirty (30) seconds.
What To Look For - Pi And Thagoras
1. On the upper screen, the countdown timer is located in the top right corner.
2. On the upper screen, the number of correct answers is tracked in the bottom right corner.
3. On the upper screen, the target pattern is in the middle of the screen.
4. On the lower screen, the square will be displayed in the center of the screen.
Overall Goals - Pi And Thagoras
1. Accurately locate - and tap - the upper screen's pieces in the lower screen's square.
2. Successfully complete as many matches as possible in the time given.
Game Hints - Pi And Thagoras
1. Look for really awkward shapes and portrusions for quick identification.
2. Look for perfecly smooth/flat edges along the outer border which could indicate the pieces came from the border of the square.
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