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Game Controls / How To Play - Sound Bites
1. After the three second countdown, the game will inform you of the number of sounds in the coming sequence.
2. The sounds will then be "performed" by the icons on the upper screen.
3. Make sure to remember which sounds were performed in which order.
4. After the sounds have been performed, you'll have to duplicate them by tapping on the right images on the lower screen in the right order.
5. Each image will only make one noise in a given round.
6. Tap the correct icons on the lower screen to enable the next sequence.
7. If you get a sound wrong, you will be shown a giant red "X" on the lower screen and the next sequence will begin.
What To Look For - Sound Bites
1. On the upper screen, the icons' target sequence is shown (once).
2. On the lower screen, the icons that must be tapped (in the correct order) are displayed.
3. On the lower screen, the countdown timer is located in the bottom left corner.
4. On the lower screen, the current difficulty - beginning with Easy (no stars), Normal (**), or Hard (***) - is displayed in the bottom right corner.
Overall Goals - Sound Bites
1. Achieve 100% accuracy.
2. Complete as many as you can in 60 seconds.
Game Hints - Sound Bites
1. You do NOT have to keep the exact same pacing as the original sequence, just the exact order (the pacing does help with scoring).
2. In case you can't have the sound turned on (in public, no headphones, whatever), the images "pulse" when performing a sound.
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List Of Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted By Game Title
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Memo-random (Memorize),
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Sound Bites (Memorize),
Written Math (Compute)
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