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Game Controls / How To Play - Missing Link
1. After the three second countdown, a "completed" image will appear on the upper screen.
2. The completed image will consist of a series of dots connected by line segments.
3. On the lower screen, the "uncompleted" image will consist of the same image with some line segments missing.
4. The completed image's line segments will be mostly drawn in black, but some (at least one) will be drawn in red.
5. The red line segments will all be missing on the lower screen's uncompleted image. Some black line segments may also be missing.
6. You will need to complete the missing red line segments but NOT the missing black line segments.
7. To complete the missing red line segments, you will draw them with the stylus (connect the dots).
8. If you successfully fill in the missing red line segments and don't come in contact with any wrong dots...
8a. ...all missing black line segments will fill themselves in,...
8b. ...all black line segments in both images will change color to blue,...
8c. ...and the next set of images will appear on the screens.
9. If your draw and incorrect line segments, a giant red "X" will appear and then the next set of images will be made available.
10. Be careful: the uncompleted image will occasionally be rotated!
What To Look For - Missing Link
1. On the upper screen, the completed image will be displayed with some line segments in red (the ones you'll need to draw).
2. On the lower screen, the uncompleted image will be displayed.
3. On the lower screen, the countdown timer is located in the bottom left corner.
4. On the lower screen, the current difficulty - beginning with Easy (no stars), Normal (**), or Hard (***) - is displayed in the bottom right corner.
Overall Goals - Missing Link
1. Achieve 100% accuracy.
2. Complete as many as you can in 60 seconds.
Game Hints - Missing Link
1. Beware the rotation! It's easy to miss when an image is rotated 180 degrees (leaving it upside down and backward).
2. Lines don't need to be perfectly straight, just dot to dot. As long as you don't complete a wrong line segment, go for speed over neatness!
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List Of Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted By Game Title
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Memo-random (Memorize),
Missing Link (Analyze),
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