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Game Controls / How To Play - Add Agency
1. After the three second countdown, a number of images will appear on the upper screen.
2. What they are pictures of doesn't matter - just the quantity.
3. On the lower screen, there will be several boxes (three to six), each containing pictures.
4. The boxes on the lower screen (with the pictures in them) will not all contain the same number of pictures.
5. Two of the boxes on the lower screen, when added together, contain the same number of pictures as the upper screen.
6. The pictures may be different, but the only thing that matters is the number of pictures.
7. Only one combination of two boxes from the lower screen will have the same total as the upper screen.
8. Once you've determined which two boxes on the lower screen are correct, tap them.
5. The countdown time (in the bottom left corner of the lower screen) will count down from sixty (60) seconds.
What To Look For - Add Agency
1. On the upper screen, there are a number of pictures (the target number).
2. On the lower screen, there are several boxes with different numbers of pictures (the choices).
3. On the lower screen, the countdown timer is located in the bottom left corner.
4. On the lower screen, the difficulty - Easy (*), Normal (**), or Hard (***) - is displayed in the bottom right corner.
Overall Goals - Add Agency
1. Achieve 100% accuracy.
2. Complete as many as you can in 60 seconds.
Game Hints - Add Agency
2. Learn to recognize a 3x3 grid (9, obviously) so that you don't have to count those 9.
3. Learn to recognize a 3x3 grid that is missing a corner as 8 (so you don't have to count those pictures).
4. Learn to recognize a 3x3 grid that is missing two corners as 7 (so that you don't have to count those pictures).
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List Of Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted By Game Category
List Of Games w/Breakdowns & Instructions - Sorted By Game Title
Add Agency (Compute),
Animal Lines (Analyze),
Bone Yard (Think),
Coin-parison (Compute),
Cube Game (Analyze),
Flash Memory (Memorize),
Get In Shape (Identify),
Heavyweight (Think),
Matchmaker (Identify),
Memo-random (Memorize),
Missing Link (Analyze),
Pathfinder (Think),
Shadow Shift (Identify),
Sound Bites (Memorize),
Written Math (Compute)
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