Basic Setup
1. With the power off, the host loads the game cartridge into their Nintendo DS system.
2. The host powers their system on, then taps on the "Warning" screen and then on the graphic for the game.
3. For this title, the Nintendo DS will be held with the two screen side-by-side (instead of above and below each other).
4. A warning message is displayed; tap the pen in the lower right corner of the touch screen to continue.
NOTE: The warning reads: "Some of the literature included contains expressions or themes that may be inappropriate for young children."
5. If this is the first time the title is being played, some setup screens will; be presented.
5a. The host will be asked which orientation they prefer (touch screen on the right or on the left); the host taps their choice.
5b. The host taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen to confirm their selection.
1. The host taps on "DS Wireless" (the third option from the top).
2. The host taps on "Local Wireless" (the top option).
3. The host taps on "Send Trial" (the top option).
4. The guest(s) will power on their Nintendo DS system.
5. The guest(s) tap on the "Warning" screen and then on the "DS Download Play" button.
6. Three different graphic bars (in no particular order) will be provided to choose from...
NOTE: If all three bars don't show up immediately, they should all show up within 15 or 20 seconds.
6a. The guest(s) can select "Alice's Adventures In Wonderland" (by Lewis Carroll) by tapping on its graphic bar.
6b. The guest(s) can select "Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde" (by Robert Louis Stevenson) by tapping on its graphic bar.
6c. The guest(s) can select "The Man Who Would Be King" (by Rudyard Kipling) by tapping on its graphic bar.
7. Each story can have up to two guests downloading it at a time (for a total of six concurrent downloads).
8. After tapping on a graphic bar, the guests' DS systems will ask "Would you like to download this software? Tap "Yes".
9. The download will begin automatically.
Game/Feature/Options Selection
1. A warning message is displayed; tap the pen in the lower right corner of the touch screen to continue.
NOTE: The warning read: "Some of the literature included contains expressions or themes that may be inappropriate for young children."
2. The title will ask which orientation the guest prefers (touch screen on the right or on the left); the guest taps their choice.
3. The guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen to confirm their selection.
4. There are two options on the main menu: "Start Reading" (to access the book) and "Settings" (to access various options).
5. To change any settings, the guest taps on the "Settings" button (the bottom option).
6. In the Settings menu, there are three categories: Font Settings, Button Settings, and DS Orientation.
7a. The top Font Settings option is Font Size.
7b. The guest can choose Small (default) or Large Font Size.
7c. After selecting their Font Size, the guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
7d. The bottom Font Settings option is Page No. Display.
7e. The guest can choose to Hide Total Pages (sow only the current page number; default) or Show Total Pages (current page / total pages).
7f. After selecting their Page No. Display, the guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the screen.
7g. To return to the Settings Menu (from the Font Settings menu), the guest taps "Back" in the top left corner of the touch screen.
8a. The top Button Settings option is either "+Control Pad" (if the touch screen is on the right) or "A, B, X Buttons" (if the touch screen is on the left).
8b. The guest can choose any of four options for what the Direction Pad (+Control Pad) or buttons will do when pressed.
8b1. Setup 1: Left/B = Prev Page, Down/A = Prev Page, Right/X = Next Page (this is the default option)
8b2. Setup 2: Left/B = Prev Page, Down/A = Next Page, Right/X = Next Page
8b3. Setup 3: Left/B = Next Page, Down/A = Prev Page, Right/X = Prev Page
8b4. Setup 4: Left/B = Next Page, Down/A = Next Page, Right/X = Prev Page
8c. After selecting their "+Control Pad" / "A, B, X Buttons" setup, the guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
8d. The bottom Button Settings optiong is "L and R buttons".
8e. The guest can choose any of four options for what the "L" button and "R" button will do when pressed.
8e1. Setup 1: "L" button = Nothing, "R" button = Nothing (this is the default option)
8e2. Setup 2: "L" button = Nothing, "R" button = Next Page
8e3. Setup 3: "L" button = Next Page, "R" button = Nothing
8e4. Setup 4: "L" button = Next Page, "R" button = Next Page
8a. After selecting their "L and R Buttons" setup, the guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen.
8a. To return to the Settings Menu (from the Button Settings menu), the guest taps "Back" in the top left corner of the touch screen.
9a. The title will ask which orientation the guest prefers (touch screen on the right or on the left); the guest taps their choice.
9b. The guest taps "OK" in the top right corner of the touch screen to confirm their selection.
9c. To return to the Settings Menu (from the DS Orientation menu), the guest taps "Back" in the top left corner of the touch screen.
10. To return to the Main Menu (from the Settings menu), the guest taps "Back" in the top left corner of the touch screen.
Title Controls / How To Navigate
1. To open the book, the guest taps "Start Reading" on the main menu.
2. Each book has three options: Read Book (the main text), About the Book, and About the Author.
3. The guest taps on whichever option they want to access.
3a. The first time the guest opens an option to read, the reading tutorial will begin.
3b. The guest can quit the reading tutorial anc access it again later the the reading menu (see below).
4a. Flip to the next page: draw right-to-left with the stylus or tap the right edge of the touch screen
4b. Flip to the previous page: draw left-to-right with the stylus or tap the left edge of the touch screen
4c. Skip to a particular page: tap the bottom edge of the touch screen and drag the scrol bar to the desired page
NOTE: To re-hide the scroll bar, tap anywhere on the touch screen above the scroll bar.
5. To access the menu, tap the top edge of the touch screen. Menu options, with their effects, are...
5a. Hide Menu: closes the menu and returns to the text.
5b. Close Book: Quits reading and returns to the menu, placing a bookmark on the current page.
5c. Use Bookmark (or Take Bookmark): Place (or remove) one of three available bookmarks on (or from) the current page.
5d. Settings: Accesses the Settings menu (see above).
5e. Help: Accesses the reading tutorial (see above).
What To Look For
1. Unless a menu or the scroll bar is open, the text will be shown completely covering both screens.
2. Each screen will feature a page number at the bottom of the screen.
Overall Goals
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